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Meet Morgan Murtaugh, the youngest female congressional candidate

World News

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Meet Morgan Murtaugh, the youngest female congressional candidate

Source: The Federalist

A young, female 20-something is looking to upset how things are done in Washington D.C. by defeating a long-entrenched incumbent. She’s the youngest person running for Congress in 2018. She’s not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s not even a Democrat. Morgan Murtaugh is running as a Republican for Democrat Rep. Susan Davis’s seat in California’s 35th District. Davis has held the seat for 15 years.

The Federalist talked with Murtaugh about her platform and why she thinks she can turn this blue district red.

Click here to read the full article published by The Federalist on 15 Augost 2018.

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A young, female 20-something is looking to upset how things are done in Washington D.C. by defeating a long-entrenched incumbent. She’s the youngest person running for Congress in 2018. She’s not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s not even a Democrat. Morgan Murtaugh is running as a Republican for Democrat Rep. Susan Davis’s seat in California’s 35th District. Davis has held the seat for 15 years.

The Federalist talked with Murtaugh about her platform and why she thinks she can turn this blue district red.

Click here to read the full article published by The Federalist on 15 Augost 2018.

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